The Twenty-four Hour Club is a separate entity and is not affiliated with nor financed by Alcoholics Anonymous. The 24 Hour Club is a Member Supported clubhouse facility owned and operated by the 24 Hour Club of Naples, Inc., an independent 501.c.3 not-for-profit corporation that is not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous. The Club can provide meeting space for up to three meetings at any time and is home to over 85 meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous and AlH Anon every week.


To provide a facility where alcoholics and their families can achieve and maintain recovery through the meetings and fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous,Al-Anon Family Groups and Alateen, as well as promoting a greater understanding of the family disease.


A board of Directors, elected annually by the membership, handles the business affairs of the Twenty-Four-Hour Club, Inc., oversees the operations and general maintenance of the building and grounds.


In the early 1970s, the Club was founded and built by the donations and volunteer work of a handful of dedicated recovering alcoholics who felt the Naples area was in need of a permanent meeting facility.